Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Horny Ducks

It's a sight. I assure you.

Wait, you think I was kidding? Guess again. We went to the lake today, and when I say 'we' I mean me, the boyfriend, boyfriend's dad, boyfriend's dad's girlfriend and boyfriend's dad's girlfriend's daughter. Yes, it was only in the upper 70's today. Yes, we didn't get out there till after 4. And yes, I am still sick. Twas lovely, really.
Actually, with the higher altitude, it kind of evened out the pressure inside my head from the congested sinuses and it indeed felt better...or something like that. In any case, my head hurt less. Genius!
But! When we were coming in, boyfriend and boyfriend's dad's girlfriend went to get the truck and trailer whilst the rest of us waited in the drifting boat. The ducks swarmed. And I mean swarmed. It was like, ignition off--DUCKS!! Everywhere. I guess they wanted noms or something. So me and boyfriend's dad's girlfriend's daughter got out the leftover bags of chips and began distributing the wealth. I think I saw them foaming at the mouth...er, bill. Not even two seconds later, apparently they got a tad too excited and whoop-se-day-zee Mr. Drake is suddenly hitchin' a ride on lil' Ms. Ducky and they go scooting away, hootin' and honkin'. Only, it looks a bit more like UFC mixed with boat racing. They were biting and flapping and all around beating each other up. Poor BDGD (bf-dad-gf-daughter) thought they were actually fighting and was horrified by the violent acts of the "duck-on-top". I was more baffled by the strange behavior until BD stepped in and clarified, "Oh, they aren't fighting...they're doing something else."
Well then.
No more bbq chips for you!
Oh, the things you'll see at Saguaro Lake.
On another note, this week may be the end of all sense of intelligence I have left. I used to think I had a pretty decent brain, well enough for education...then I got into college. And progressively sank lower and lower on the "dedicated student scale" (it exists, I promise). In community college. I'm not even at a university yet! It's terrible. My motivation plummets after the first week of the semester. As if it was super high in the first place.
And the worst part? Education-schmeducation. You wanna get anywhere in this world it's all about who you know. Who you know? Who do I know?! Nobody, that's who!
[Speaking in terms of social status. You guys are awesome, but would any of you be able to reference me to Alan Menken and get him to let me play harp in any sort of orchestral ensemble he's conducting? Prolly not]
I'm also awfully good at accidentally burning bridges with even the most impeccable of intentions. So either I need to make a breakthrough as some sort of self-made prodigy OR I can move to kansas where no one will know me, my reputation or the difference between a Harp and a Carp. Either or.
SO, school's kicking my trash, life's buzzing on without me and maybe if I gulp down enough children's medicine my nose may stop trying to out-run Niagra Falls and squash my brain at the same time. That or I'll overdose and slip into a grape-flavored coma and dream about telly tubbies fishing for moons in a pond defying gravity so that they hafta look upwards to follow their line.
On the plus side, I asked boyfriend and he promised he'd love me even if school says I'm an idiot. Not sure whether to overanalyze that and be offended or not. I'm selfish enough not to care.

Ducks are hypersexual, and school is dumb.

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