Monday, April 23, 2018

1st Month

Let's see if I can even remember how to write a monthly baby update post, shall we? Granted, he is only one month old and still a newborn, so there's really not much to update upon...

Rohan has been such a calming influence in our family. Which has been greatly appreciated considering the constant amount of chaos we are currently undergoing. That is not to say it hasn't been difficult at times, or that we haven't had to make adjustments, or that I don't feel the need to sleep for three days straight. But if all my babies could come out with Rohan's temperament, I'd get pregnant again tomorrow.
It's bizarre to me to have a baby so reliably easy to console. They say babies only cry if they're hungry, tired, or uncomfortable and with Rohan that holds so blessedly true. When in doubt as to why he's fussing, we literally just double-triple wrap him in warm blankets and as soon as he's sweaty toasty, he settles right down.
Gas drops and pumping his legs actually works to get the tummy bubbles out, what a concept!
He hadn't soiled a diaper in a little over 24 hours the other day, so I ran out to Walgreens for some suppositories, and whaddya know! It worked like a charm!
We got so much advice and suggestions with Ander when he was tiny, and in all honesty hardly any of it ever worked. So to get a firsthand example of how these things could have worked is blowing my mind in all sorts of great ways.

I guess I'll take a hot minute to try and explain where Rohan's name came from.

We are indeed aware that it looks like a hardcore Lord of the Rings tribute. It is not. I originally brought the name to the table, very much liking the sound of it but disliking the traditional spelling of 'Rowan'. I researched and found that 'Rohan' was a suitable substitution, but Mark was staunchly against giving him a name so steeped in pop culture as to condemn him to a life of having his name mis-pronounced, or being teased as to it's presumed origin.
But after explaining that 'Rohan' is indeed an official, anglicized spelling of the Irish 'Ruadhain', it was much easier for Mark to swallow.
In the end we compromised so that I was allowed 'Rohan' as long as we used Mark's favorite, 'William', for the middle name.
Coincidentally, 'Ruadhain' means "red one/red-haired" and as of now, our Rohan is certainly looking particularly auburn. In Celtic it also means "keeper of wolves", which is completely bada**. Just sayin'.

Rohan is keeping up the Douglass tradition of dominating the upper 90th percentiles of all his physical measurements. 96th for height, 99th for weight, and we won't even talk about head circumference. He always fills his diaper literally seconds before the doc walks in, so we always get a proper thumbs-up on his bowel integrity.
He does a magnificent job of giving us loads of awake-time during the day, and very rarely does he give us any trouble going back to sleep at night. He reliably gives us solid three hour chunks of sleep, sometimes extending to nearly four.
He eats a TON. Our one, single struggle in all of this glorious baby perfection has been the breastfeeding. But it isn't Rohan at all, it's me. Without getting into the nitty-gritty, we're giving it all we've got, gonna keep on truckin', and in the meantime he enjoys the occasional formula bottle or two.

We're all absolutely smitten with this chunk of love, Ander loves to "let" Rohan watch as he plays games on his tablet, and wants so badly to just pick Rohan up whenever it strikes his fancy, and Mark will undoubtedly fall asleep each and every time he holds Rohan. Regardless of the place or the hour. The baby sedative is strong with this one.
He's growing faster than I would like, but I anxiously look forward to seeing who this chill dude becomes.

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